dinsdag 4 december 2012

Video - Natuurlijk bekappen met Koen Theys

Video van Koen Theys, een belgische bekapper die uitlegt wat hij doet tijdens het bekappen van een paard. Hij legt uit over hoefmechanisme, steunsels, hiellanden, de mustangrol en waarom het niet nodig is en niet verstandig om een paard te beslaan.

Elke bekapper heeft binnen de principes van het natuurlijk bekappen z'n eigen stijl. Als paardeneigenaar heb jij de verantwoordelijkheid om te bepalen of deze trimstijl voor jouw paard geschikt is of niet.


3 opmerkingen:

  1. I watched the video without sound (couldn't understand him anyway), but I didn't like his trim style. He took off a lot of sole, and for a horse with a hoof wall that disconnected I would have done a much stronger roll. Did he happen to say anything about that?

  2. Hi S,
    He did mention that a mustangroll is important for breakover, but did not go into details. I would have done several things differently myself. I wouldn't have cut the sole nor rasped the frog. I thought the heels could go a bit further to the back.
    Details that make the trimmer's personal style...

    I would like to place some videos that gives insight in how barefoottriming is done. I think this clip is ok for that purpose. Any suggestions for some other barefoot footage?

  3. Hmm, too bad James took his video down. I have one up on my blog from ABC, it doesn't show a close up of the trim but the explanation is good- of course it's in English.

    It's hard to find a video where I like every aspect of the trim, there's almost always something that comes up that I disagree with. Just picky I guess.
